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Whether you work full-time at home or occasionally need to conduct business in the evenings or on the weekends, a home office a great way to utilize an extra room. A dedicated workspace in your home can be designed to increase productivity and comfort. Here are 5 ideas to get you started.
I CAN DO HARD THINGS. If you have big goals, get comfortable with being uncomfortable. This year has been proof of that!
Hey guys! In this episode, I take the girls on an adventure to find some letterboxes! Letterboxing is a global game of treasure hunt and also a Brownie Girl Scout badge!! Check your area or the area you are traveling to for this fun adventure!
Now more than ever girls need Girl Scouts. Now more than ever we need to be there to support girls and reevaluate what it is they need and how we can deliver. So I came up with 4 essential things that need to happen for this online option to be successful.
I’m so far behind on everything I set out to do in 2020, which makes no sense considering how much time I’ve been sitting at home! January was a huge month for us. We were just getting over a horrendous virus, pretty sure it was covid, and our weekends were jam packed with Girl Scout winter ski camps and our family trip to Walt Disney World. I finally managed to get all the videos we shot on our trip and here is part 1 of our Disney vacation! We stayed at the Old Key West Resort and this video highlights our park days at Epcot and Animal Kingdom!
It’s okay to step back and say “no”. Being a volunteer is tough and sometimes we need to remember that if we’re not caring for ourselves, we can’t serve others. Sometimes we need to step away.
So my girls are on a mission to make this year’s Girl Scout cookie marketing campaign their best. They’ve been brainstorming ways to present the cookies with unique ideas and they love putting together cooking shows! I’m thrilled that the girls are having so much fun with this and learning so much along the way. Here is there newest episode on Youtube!
It’s that time of year again!! Our Cookie season here in Greater Chicago has officially begun and the girls are fierce with their marketing plan this year. They created a Facebook page (under my supervision)! Bella was out the very first day, New Year’s Day, going door to door asking all our neighbors. We even left a little calling card behind for the people who were not home and much to our surprise we received 2 phone calls the following day asking to submit their orders!! If you don’t try, you will never know!
You can follow them on Youtube or Facebook as they journey to reach bigger goals this year!
I went to a leader weekend treat this past September and the first night they had many different outdoor crafts that you could do with your troop. My favorite craft was stamping the wood slices and turning them into lanyards. It was such an easy craft to do and it turned out so pretty, I knew I wanted to do this with our troop.
Ornaments were the perfect way to incorporate this into a keepsake they can keep for years to come!!
Now is the time to send out the troop feedback survey. Why do I send out a survey? I like to know how I’m doing and if i’m meeting the expectations of girls in our troop. It also allows me to see if the parents expectations and goals are aligned with the troops. Every girl is unique and every troop is different. The survey allows me to see where girl’s interests might have changed and better plan for the following year.
Sharing free daisy dollar and brownie buck printables through our Facebook group! Join us!
We have a troop that consists of 4 daisies, 6 brownies, and 11 juniors. It’s a healthy size troop and while our meeting room perfectly accommodates us, working as a large group on one activity at a time is never successful. That’s when attention issues surface at their finest and girls get bored. A solution to this problem is breaking the troop up into smaller groups and having them rotate activities. You might want to incorporate patrols into your troop organization for this reason.
All the years that I’ve spent contemplating, researching curriculum, and debating if I should pull the trigger have prepared me for this day. Today is the last day of public school for my heart warrior (for now). Find out why we decided to pull her in the first place.