Now that school is out and the chaos has started to settle, many leaders decide to take a break over the summer. I like having an opportunity to reflect, clean out my leader closet, and plan for the new scouting year. It also gives me an opportunity to recharge and prevents burnout! Guys, Burnout is real and I’ve felt it so many times over the years. Summer break is a must for me! Our troop doesn’t meet for regular meetings over the summer but we plan a few outings or campouts.
Now is the time to send out the troop feedback survey. Why do I send out a survey? I like to know how I’m doing and if i’m meeting the expectations of girls in our troop. It also allows me to see if the parents expectations and goals are aligned with the troops. Every girl is unique and every troop is different. The survey allows me to see where girl’s interests might have changed and better plan for the following year. I don’t pick out badges, that’s the girls job in the fall. But, I do plan outings, events and other trips.
There are a couple areas in particular that I like to address in the survey.
Are we meeting parent expectations?
Cookie program feedback
Did they feel supported?
Number of cookie booths appropriate?
Best method of communication
How to update you on last minute changes
Did they feel that I communicated enough throughout the year?
Girl Interests
Meeting time and dates
Ideas for next year (I want everyone to feel they have an input)
Here is a copy of our troop survey. Don’t use this exact form.. You can make your own copy in google forms and share the link to your troop!
This is easy to edit if you want to add or change sections and questions! Don’t forget to change the collaborators so your troop only sees the questions. To do that, click the send button at the top. Then click the “add collaborators” link in the pop up box. Under the “Who has access” section click “change” next to anyone who has a link. Check “Off” and then only you can edit the form.
If you already do troop surveys let us know in the comments what other topics you like to cover!