Posts tagged #girl scouts

Awesome Virtual Troop Meetings: How to keep your girls engaged in the fall!

Now more than ever girls need Girl Scouts. Now more than ever we need to be there to support girls and reevaluate what it is they need and how we can deliver. So I came up with 4 essential things that need to happen for this online option to be successful.

Girl Scout Cookie Shake Recipes!!

So my girls are on a mission to make this year’s Girl Scout cookie marketing campaign their best. They’ve been brainstorming ways to present the cookies with unique ideas and they love putting together cooking shows! I’m thrilled that the girls are having so much fun with this and learning so much along the way. Here is there newest episode on Youtube!

Our 2020 Cookie Commercial

It’s that time of year again!! Our Cookie season here in Greater Chicago has officially begun and the girls are fierce with their marketing plan this year. They created a Facebook page (under my supervision)! Bella was out the very first day, New Year’s Day, going door to door asking all our neighbors. We even left a little calling card behind for the people who were not home and much to our surprise we received 2 phone calls the following day asking to submit their orders!! If you don’t try, you will never know!

You can follow them on Youtube or Facebook as they journey to reach bigger goals this year!

Stamped Wood Slice Ornaments!

I went to a leader weekend treat this past September and the first night they had many different outdoor crafts that you could do with your troop. My favorite craft was stamping the wood slices and turning them into lanyards. It was such an easy craft to do and it turned out so pretty, I knew I wanted to do this with our troop.

Ornaments were the perfect way to incorporate this into a keepsake they can keep for years to come!!

Google and Troop Communication

The task of organizing a troop with calendars, emails, forms, and documents can seem daunting. I have an easy method to keep most of what I need all in one place. I use Google!

Use the following Google apps to make your planning more organized.

Troop Parent Handbook: Do you have one?

Do you bother with creating a Troop Parent Handbook? Some people might think it's too much but, in my opinion, it lays a foundation for how you plan to lead the troop, your expectations of parents/guardians and how you can work as a team to have a successful year. It's a hard copy of when and where you have your meetings, your objectives, contact information and policies and procedures you have for events and outings….

Girl Scout Camp Weekend: Tips on Planning your Trip

Every year we try to do at least one camp weekend with our GS troop. This year, since it's one of the things the girls really love and look forward to, I hope to do one a season! The planning process from troop leadership can seem overwhelming. It's a big weekend and the more girls/adults you have attending the more work you will have to put into it. But, after all is said and done, it's totally worth it. If you haven't considered an overnight or camp with your troop I strongly encourage it! The excitement, sister scout bonding, life skills and lasting memories are just a few of the things you and your group will take away.