Free Girl Scout Invitations: Court of Awards Garden Party

Hey Girl Scout Leaders!!

It's that time for the end of the year Court of Awards and party! I've totally been slacking with the planning this year and we have our bridging ceremony too! That's why I had to dig into last year's planning materials to find this goodie!

Last year I posted about our Daisy Flower Journey and Included this feebie in the take action blog post but I realized it's awfully hard to find so I wanted to make sure you all had the chance to use this feebie in case you are in a hurry like myself. I love reusing things!

Here is the link to the publisher file that you can edit and print! It's double sided so make sure to check your printing options. This is a quick and easy invite to mail or handout at your next meeting!

Download Invitation file here--->>>> Court of Awards Invite <<<<---


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Posted on May 1, 2016 and filed under Girl scouts.