Posts filed under Parenting

A natural tick and lice deterrent and tips on lice prevention... eek!

It seems that there has been an outbreak of these little buggers in the general Chicago area, including my daughter's school! Last year alone we had several letters sent home... you know the one I'm talking about.... Want to inform you that there has been a reported case of lice in your child's classroom.... 

Well.... this year we were not able to escape it! She got lice... yuck!!

Let me start off by explaining some of the misconceptions about lice.... 

People who get lice are dirty: Um, no. It does NOT mean that you are dirty or unwashed... In fact, you could wash your hair a million times and these suckers would still thrive, because they can hold their breath for hours on end!

Pets carry lice: FALSE! I blamed it on the dog too until I found this out.

I'm not itchy, I must not have it: Just because you don't itch doesn't mean you don't have them. 

It can be cured with over the counter shampoo: hahahaha that's an ugly lie. If you think you just need to rinse with this shampoo and your done, you need to think again. SOMETIMES this method works but if you are solely hoping for a miracle in this method you will be grossly disappointed. 

Suffocate them with oil: We tried this with olive oil and a shower cap. Slept in it overnight and kept it in for a good 12 hours. I stained my pillows and my face broke out but the lice were still there.

Now let me give you the reality...

These creatures on non discriminators, they just want to populate

It's so gross

It's such a pain in the butt

You wouldn't wish this upon your evil nemesis.

Really, it's just bugs in your hair. They don't present any real threat or spread any diseases, just the concept is enough to make your skin crawl, literally.

You need to report it!! People get so ashamed and they want to hid it and the reality is, what if you did spread it? Some poor soul might now be walking around (not necessarily itching) and carry it. Now YOU are more likely to catch it, again! Serves you right if you aren't reporting it! LOL kidding! You're also doing parents a favor of not having that kid spread it to the entire family, because that is a nightmare! With lice, sharing is caring only when it comes to information, NOT HATS!

It takes time and patience to get rid of these pests. It takes a very good eye and a nit comb to successfully get them out.

That means picking each and every last one out by hand.

DAY after DAY for about a week. And then doing the process all over again just to be safe because I'm OCD about it. We did use the over the counter shampoo to at least demobilize the live bugs while we picked them out but it certainly didn't kill them all and it's reported that they have now become more resistant to the shampoo. 

The first initial comb out took 5 hours per child. Get the coloring books and iPad ready. You can use hair gel or conditioner to help run the comb through so the nits come out. I mixed together coconut conditioner, peppermint oil, and tea tree oil. Tea Tree Oil acts as a repellent. Apply it to the scalp and then section off the head with bobby pins or clips. Sectioning off the head is very helpful!

Use gloves while working with conditioner or gel. Wipe your comb after EVERY run through. Remember, I said this was a pain in the butt! It's also very tedious. 

Once you have gone through the entire head of hair, manually go through each section again and REALLY inspect. You will find more...promise ;).

Then give it a good shampoo and blow dry hair. It's said that heat can kill the nits. Once you have dried the hair, get into a good area where light is bright ( outside in the sun is best) and look through that head AGAIN. Pull those nits out. 

The days following, make sure to check for more nits. I went through their hair twice a day and found a few stragglers. If you notices just a couple here and there you probably just missed a few in the first comb out. If you start to notice more nits then you might have missed a live bugger, which is why you will repeat the process in 8-10 days.

Don't forget to wash all jackets and bedding in hot hot water. They say a good vacuuming and housecleaning will do the trick with the rest of the house. I would recommend replacing your brush and bagging up any hair accessories for 2 weeks. Store away any stuffed animals as well and spray the back of car seats (bet you didn't think of that one).

Overall, lice won't invest a house. They need human blood to survive so they won't be hangin out anywhere else unless they happen to fall out and will shortly die after.

Nitpicker will have a new meaning to you!


Ways to prevent them from infesting or coming back...

1) Use a Tea Tree Tonic solution (also deters ticks!)

2) Use preventative shampoo

3) Braid long hair

4) Educate your kids on not sharing hats, scarves, hair accessories, jackets, and Girl Scouts vests!

I wish you good luck and I hope that you never ever have to experience in your household. Tree Tree is an effective repellent to discourage those nesters from taking up a home in your child's head. It also helps with ticks, too. So if you are going for a hike or CAMPING, spray some of the tea tree tonic on before you go out!

Posted on November 9, 2015 and filed under Parenting.

The Unlikely List of Mommy/Daughter Dates

Well... Let's just get right to it!

  1. Rock climbing

  2. Classic Cars or Hot Rod night or construct one yourself! 

  3. Water sports- if the weather is right, get out on the water! Rent some jet skis and have a go at it!

  4. Auto maintenance: Learn how to change the oil on your car together or teach her if you already know

  5. Self defense class

  6. Shooting range or Archery lesson

  7. Hiking or cave exploring... okay maybe you have heard this one a million times but I LOVE IT. It's probably the best idea out there because it's cheap, it's not structured and you get the opportunity to discover new things all while in the great outdoors. Kids really do love and enjoy being outside and letting loose.

  8. Mommy Daughter Camping. Check out your local Girl Scouts council if you are not a Girl Scout already. You still can camp there and in my opinion it's generally safer.

  9. Geocaching

  10. Take her to a game: baseball game, basketball game, hockey game....

  11. Build something! Pinterest has an endless supply of DIY ideas. I especially love the plumbing pipe diy

  12. Volunteer because making the world a better place is something we should all strive to do but most importantly a lesson to teach our daughters.

Posted on October 28, 2015 and filed under Raising Girls, Parenting, Happy Mama.

The things kids say

Elephant surviving a coma, leafy sea reporters and dragon survivor.....

These are all names of trees according to my 5 year old scientist.

You see, she loves science, loves learning and love making up her own things.. like tree names.

We were on a walk to the park the other day, mini legal pad and pencil in hand, she started drawing out the shapes of the trees and spouting out their imaginary names.

"I'm a Scientist, Daddy!" She corrected him so sternly when he called her something else. 

For now, she wants to be a scientist. I can tell that she is drawn to how things work and are made. She is enthralled with nature and love spending time in our vegetable garden. 

I'm not sure what a leafy sea reporter is but I imaging it looks something like this?

Perhaps she got that one mixed up with the Leafy Sea Dragon?

Picture found here

It's better than TV or my favorite show. To sit and experience her creative little mind just go off and be. She is hysterical to me and it's amazing to see these little people start to grow up.

Posted on August 26, 2014 and filed under Family, Parenting, Happy Mama.

What's so bad about the Princesses?

A few weeks back, I read an article about this mother who photographed her little girl in costumes to replicate historic female role models. At first, I was pretty impressed. I just died over the Cocoa Chanel picture, even though the real model had a cigarette perched between her lips. What bothered me as I read, in addition to the title, were the captions of each of the pictures and the insulting comments about Disney Princesses.

These historical women are great role models and I have every intention on educating my girls on important women throughout our history. But, I don't think we are not lacking in powerful career minded female examples.

Maybe it's the fact that I absolutely adore all things Disney but why are the Princesses always portrayed in such a bad light? As if, wanting to find the one true love of your life and stay with that person forever is such a bad example.

We are raising our daughters to be strong willed and independent women who can accomplish anything and that's great! One of the most important things for me is teaching my daughters self love and respect. However, we forget to include the values of a true women (gasp!). What sets us apart from our counter parts is that we are sensitive and have a softness. We share a warmth and compassion that makes us nurturing. It's okay to be these things even though media and society encourages different. It's okay to show a softness and light in the darkness of this rigid and cold world. Teaching bravery, independence and self sufficiency shouldn't come at the expense of other values that our little girls need.

I could give you a run down, list by list, of the individual characteristics that these lovely Disney royals bring forward, but I think it's more than obvious where I am going with this post.

This world can use more








Doesn't she look sweet?.....

If anything, cant we all agree these videos are inspiring?

Posted on November 4, 2013 and filed under Parenting, Raising Girls.

Peanut butter Jelly... what?

The other day I noticed something funny that had dried on to my dog. It was crusty by the time I noticed it. It didn't smell very nice, and I think it had been there a while. My dog has never rolled in poo before and I am usually there when he is let outside, so I don't know how it could have gotten there if that was the case.

Today, I noticed another something funny on my dog. I bent over to get a better look and there on one side of him was peanut butter and on the other side, almost symmetrical, was some grape jelly. Now, I wonder who could have put this here. Bella, not more then an hour ago, was enjoying her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I'm pretty sure the two incidents are related!

She really loves her doggy though. It tingles my heart to see them get along!

Posted on October 26, 2010 and filed under Parenting.

Pudding Finger Paint!!

Today was a fun day with Bella and I! After Daddy left for work we took a nap together. When we both woke up fresh and in a great mood, I decided to do a fun activity!!!

Pudding Paint!

 It's messy but for a child that's 18 month is perfect. It allows their creativity and imagination flow and its safe, just in case they put it in their mouths.

What you do, is make instant pudding, you can use food coloring on a white pudding and create different colors. Bella was only interested in chocolate... boy does she take after mommy!

After cleaning up, and taking a bath, we went for a walk and stopped at the park! Bella loves the park. On the way we were squirrel hunting, okay maybe hunting is not the word, more like spotting. In addition to squirrels, we spotted planes as well. She never misses one when they go by:)!

Afterwards we wrote a get well card to Grandma, who is in the hospital right now. We hope you get better soon Grandma! Love You! Muah!

Posted on September 13, 2010 and filed under Parenting.

Potty Training Weekend here we come!

Today is the first official day we are starting potty training with Bella! Although, we did a trial run yesterday and had some very successful trips to her fisher price sing along potty! 2 for 3 was the count and we were so excited and confident for our "potty weekend". I was so excited that I went out and bought her very first big kids underwear in a Dora the Explorer print, and she was thrilled!

We've taken off the diaper and have gone completely bare from the bottoms on down! So far she has had pretty high spirits, and seems very cooperative with this idea! She loves to be a big girl! A few accidents here and there, but that is to be expected!

Future updates will follow....

Posted on September 4, 2010 and filed under Parenting.