Posts tagged #preschool games Review!!

A couple months back I introduced Bella to I hemmed and hawed about using it but I though "hey free trial, why not". I have been looking for something to engage my little learner and help her prepare since she was getting most of her pre-k education at home.

I have to say.... I am AMAZED at the number of activities and resources this program provides. She could play all day and still not exhaust the activities! We use it on our iPad, which seems to be easier for Bella than using the computer mouse.

Here is how it works....

You select the level you want to start your child at (tot,1,2,3,4,5,6). I started Bella at 3 but changed it to 4. I felt she was more advance and I didn't want her to get bored. You start off in the class room and navigate from there.

Your child follows The Learning Path, while completing several activities per lesson. The activities include coloring pages, puzzles, books, games, and more. Level 4 has 72 lessons to work through.

Each activity gets awarded a certain amount of tickets that you can use to shop with(imaginary). Bella loves spending her tickets on collecting fish for her aquarium and new clothes!
There are endless activities and things to do! I was amazed at the amount of information my child could learn! There is The Basics section which allows you to specifically focus on certain areas. This one's my favorite.

Your child can also take a virtual trip to The Farm or The Zoo! How cool is that!?! Each one has all sorts of information on the animals and corresponding activities for the kids to complete.

You also get the opportunity to teach responsibility while your child takes care of their virtual fish!
Eww, fishy gunk... better clean that up!

I could go on and on about how much this program offers... I think you get the picture with the screen shots:)! But really I encourage you to try it for yourself! What's great is that the first month is free!!!! So there is no risk to try!

Tons of activities and resources to teach your kiddos
Parents progress tracker to help you track your childs progess
My child loves it!!!

For the younger kids, the usage of a computer mouse can be difficult(I would suggest using the iPad app instead)

*This post contains affiliate links but the opinions are entirely my own.

Princess Pre-K Pack

I am pretty excited to share this one with you!! This is my first Pre K printable pack. My daughter is obsessed with everything princess and I wanted to create her something she would love!

I would love some feedback, let me know what you think! Download it for free!

Download my version of

Princess Pack



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Don't forget to leave me a comment and let me know what you think!!

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Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat Activity

I picked up the Cat in the Hat book by Dr. Seuss from Kohl's. They have that thing going on where you can purchase the book or the stuffed character for only $5!!! I think it's a pretty good deal. Do you?

Since Dr. Seuss' birthday is coming up on March 2nd and I wanted to do a fun activity with my preschooler. Coincidentally we are starting on simple word combinations!! What perfect timing it was that we are focusing on "at" words!!! Here is worksheet I wiped up! I found a similar version on pinterest, but when I clicked on the pin it wasn't there.....:( I hate when that happens!
For a free Cat in the Hat Printable and don't forget to show some love by following my blog!!! Sharing is caring!!

Letter Recognition and Dollar Store Finds!

I don't know if you know this but... I am in love with the Dollar Tree and it's wonderful educational resources!!! I always feel like I am getting a steal! This week I was dying to show you a game I came across while I went foraging through a pin. At the very bottom I can across Frog Face-off!!! We are just happening to work on association between the upper and lowercase, so this was perfect!!!!

In addition to this wonderfully educational game, I found some workbooks!!!
Here is one we worked on today! Number recognition and matching!
In the bottom corner of her page she wanted to draw me a heart! We are working on shapes too!
I love the teacher corner at the Dollar Tree!!!!

Happy Friday everyone!! 
I hope you all have a great weekend and maybe I will post some pictures while on vacation!! We leave tomorrow for sunny Florida and Disney!!