Posts tagged #preschool Review!!

A couple months back I introduced Bella to I hemmed and hawed about using it but I though "hey free trial, why not". I have been looking for something to engage my little learner and help her prepare since she was getting most of her pre-k education at home.

I have to say.... I am AMAZED at the number of activities and resources this program provides. She could play all day and still not exhaust the activities! We use it on our iPad, which seems to be easier for Bella than using the computer mouse.

Here is how it works....

You select the level you want to start your child at (tot,1,2,3,4,5,6). I started Bella at 3 but changed it to 4. I felt she was more advance and I didn't want her to get bored. You start off in the class room and navigate from there.

Your child follows The Learning Path, while completing several activities per lesson. The activities include coloring pages, puzzles, books, games, and more. Level 4 has 72 lessons to work through.

Each activity gets awarded a certain amount of tickets that you can use to shop with(imaginary). Bella loves spending her tickets on collecting fish for her aquarium and new clothes!
There are endless activities and things to do! I was amazed at the amount of information my child could learn! There is The Basics section which allows you to specifically focus on certain areas. This one's my favorite.

Your child can also take a virtual trip to The Farm or The Zoo! How cool is that!?! Each one has all sorts of information on the animals and corresponding activities for the kids to complete.

You also get the opportunity to teach responsibility while your child takes care of their virtual fish!
Eww, fishy gunk... better clean that up!

I could go on and on about how much this program offers... I think you get the picture with the screen shots:)! But really I encourage you to try it for yourself! What's great is that the first month is free!!!! So there is no risk to try!

Tons of activities and resources to teach your kiddos
Parents progress tracker to help you track your childs progess
My child loves it!!!

For the younger kids, the usage of a computer mouse can be difficult(I would suggest using the iPad app instead)

*This post contains affiliate links but the opinions are entirely my own.

Princess Pre-K Pack

I am pretty excited to share this one with you!! This is my first Pre K printable pack. My daughter is obsessed with everything princess and I wanted to create her something she would love!

I would love some feedback, let me know what you think! Download it for free!

Download my version of

Princess Pack



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Don't forget to leave me a comment and let me know what you think!!

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Disney Field Trip: The Seas with Nemo and Friends at Epcot

One of the many things I love about Disney is there ability to incorporate education into their attractions! Disney World has to be one of the greatest field trips ever!

I know Epcot is not on the top of the list of parks to see, but it does offer a great classroom for conservation of the Earth ! On our recent trip we were excited to try the new attraction The Seas with Nemo and Friends!! The ride itself was a cute clam shell adventure through the Finding Nemo story. 

Once you got off the moving walkway, you were led to an amazing exhibit of underwater life. You can walk through this two story pavilion at your own leisure. 

My favorite part was pointing out Nemo and Dore! It really brings the movie alive and into the real world. What kid doesn't like the aquarium?

As I sit her and edit this, Bella informs me that this is NOT Nemo. It's the daddy Marlin because he is bigger and Nemo is smaller!

The Bruce's Sub House is a fun adventure where you can learn about the sharks of the ocean and the dangers they encounter everyday.  A hands on experience for all kids to have a chance to feel what real shark skin feels like and take a photo op inside Bruce's Jaw! Bella was a little frightened by the jaws of life.... so my Dad played along!

I think Bella's favorite part was the friendly dolphins that played back and forth beyond the glass!! They were pretty shy to take a picture though!

We saw real manatee!!!

The aquarium was gorgeous and provided us with just enough cool indoor entertainment! When the kids get older we will spend more time here!

Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat Activity

I picked up the Cat in the Hat book by Dr. Seuss from Kohl's. They have that thing going on where you can purchase the book or the stuffed character for only $5!!! I think it's a pretty good deal. Do you?

Since Dr. Seuss' birthday is coming up on March 2nd and I wanted to do a fun activity with my preschooler. Coincidentally we are starting on simple word combinations!! What perfect timing it was that we are focusing on "at" words!!! Here is worksheet I wiped up! I found a similar version on pinterest, but when I clicked on the pin it wasn't there.....:( I hate when that happens!
For a free Cat in the Hat Printable and don't forget to show some love by following my blog!!! Sharing is caring!!

Big decisions: homeschooling?

Sedona, AZ
It's been busy, that's for sure!! I guess that's what happens when both parents go back to school full time!!! I've had a two week break from classes and I start my next class in a week.

So what's new?.....

  • The family took a vacation to Arizona in November! 
  • Ry turned ONE last month!!
  • The juicing diet has been successful so far.
  • I've decided to make all efforts to arrange homeschooling for my little learners!
Montezuma's Castle, AZ
I don't have any school age children just yet, but I have noticed my child's pre-k learning abilities. I have both girls in an in-home daycare, that I have thought really long and hard about. I trust this daycare and the children are all so nice. 

There is just one thing that bothers me, her care givers comparison of my girls to the other kids. I understand that there might be some brilliant 4 year old, that can read chapter books already, but that is not my kid. I mean, are 4 year olds suppose to read? This really isn't that serious of a concern and trust me I have spent hours looking into the right care facility. The point is, it bothered me and then I realized, this is exactly what is going to happen in a public school system. The word system makes me cringe.

Fall fests are the best!
So I looked into my options and after a few unsettling documentaries (Waiting for Superman), I realized this was my calling and right as the mother of my children. I want to home school  I wanted to be a school teacher at one point but realized it was more about classroom and behavior management than the education. That's not how I want my children to experience learning.

I've been working really hard with my 3 1/2 year old on her ABC's, with a little pressure from other people's opinions. I need to learn not to let the pressure of others affect my decisions on how I want to educate. Despite that downfall, Roo has really caught on and enjoyed the education! The 20 minute sessions here are there have made all the difference and have kept our passion for it alive. I think it also helps that she watches her Daddy and I do homework each week and wants to feel involved. This is the best benefit of being in school while raising kids, maybe one of the only!
I've got the road map in my head and hopefully, within the next couple years this could be a real possibility! Until then... hard work, finish my husband and I's free college education (provided by my very generous employer) and make our free time with the kids filled with a passion for learning and education! 

Since the girls are not in a structured academic daycare, I will have to work on the preschool curriculum on my own for now! How fun!!

Here are some pictures of the past couple months....

Loving the fall

We started Roo in a gymnastics class that is perfect for her!!

Tinkerbell didn't like Captain's hook

Posted on December 27, 2012 .