Posts tagged #leader other

Awesome Virtual Troop Meetings: How to keep your girls engaged in the fall!

Now more than ever girls need Girl Scouts. Now more than ever we need to be there to support girls and reevaluate what it is they need and how we can deliver. So I came up with 4 essential things that need to happen for this online option to be successful.

Veteran's Day Ideas for Your Troop

This year our troop is able to participate in a flag ceremony at their school’s Veteran’s Day assembly! The girls were pretty excited to be a part of the event as scouts! If your school does a similar ceremony at your school, you might want to inquire about finding ways the girls can participate.

Scout Overnight @ Brookfield Zoo

Over labor day weekend our scout troop reaped the benefits of their goal setting skills and hard earned cookie money to enjoy a night at the Brookfield Zoo! It seemed like a long time coming as the cookie season ended back in March but we had to the buy the tickets so early because it sells out fast! The evening and morning program was very well planned and packed with a lot of activities. Despite a few hiccups, our troop had an amazing time!

Girl Scout Camp Weekend: Tips on Planning your Trip

Every year we try to do at least one camp weekend with our GS troop. This year, since it's one of the things the girls really love and look forward to, I hope to do one a season! The planning process from troop leadership can seem overwhelming. It's a big weekend and the more girls/adults you have attending the more work you will have to put into it. But, after all is said and done, it's totally worth it. If you haven't considered an overnight or camp with your troop I strongly encourage it! The excitement, sister scout bonding, life skills and lasting memories are just a few of the things you and your group will take away.

Cookie Party Cruise on Lake Michigan and Swaps!!

This year my oldest daughter worked her butt off to reach the 500 goal selling cookie boxes. We have a fairly large troop and another Girl Scout in the house that made for extra obstacles this year. She had to share her friends and family sales with her younger sister. She did a ton of cookie booth and went selling door to door. She pushed!

Devil's Lake Wisconsin Camping Trip!

Last fall, our family took a major step and decided to invest in a travel trailer. I stalked the internet for months trying to find the best deal on a used "starter" camper for our family. Our knowledge of campers, or towing anything in general, was sparse but I'm a firm believer that if you want to do something you just have to pull the trigger and learn through doing.

Ocean Pollution Clean Up Experiment

We then took a walk around the neighborhood and collected trash on the streets. We connected how this trash could easily get in the sewers or nearby river (which leads into the Mississippi River--->and then into ---> the Gulf of Mexico.