Posts tagged #goal setting

Teach Your Kids How To Set Goals and Crush Them

Goal Setting. It's an essential skill that I wish I was taught sooner in life and a great way to give your kids the tools for success. If you are a troop leader, do you spend time teaching your scouts how to properly set goals? It's one thing to set a troop cookies sales goal and it's another to teach them how to obtain that goal.

As my Brownie scout gets older I see her more driven in working towards what she wants. She declared that her goal for gymnastics was to move up to the competitive team. I was pretty darn excited because all I wanted was for Bella to find something she was truly passionate about that she would start setting goals and working hard towards them. We talked with her coach about what specific things she needed to accomplish and tips on ways to make that happen for her. She was given work outs to do at home to strengthen her arms and core and we added an additional gymnastics class each week. 

We used the same goal setting skills when cookie season rolled around and she set her goal at twice the amount of the previous year. We discussed her results from the previous year and what her game plan was for this year. I asked her what she planned on doing differently to get greater results and she brainstormed her solution such as adding on extra cookie booths, going door to door in different locations, and asking businesses to contribute to the Gift of Caring program.

Smart Goals

I'm sure we have all heard of them by now but have ya taught your kids? Why not start now?


What exactly do they want? Create a goal statement that includes a time frame and specific measurement. EX. I will sell 500 cookie boxes by the end of March.


This can also stand for measurable. Make sure your child understands the WHY. What is the outcome if this goal is accomplished? Is it saving money for a certain item or is it an academic achievement? How will it make them feel? Knowing the WHY will keep them motivated to carry out their goal.


Is this goal attainable? Have you laid out the steps and do you have the tools and resources to reach your goal. Do you have a solid plan?


Is your goal realistic? Discuss with your kid if the goal is realistic. We don't want to set them up for failure it there goal is to travel to the moon in the next 6 months. While you want to encourage and challenge them to reach outside of their comfort zone you also don't want them to set a goal you know might not be realistic or age appropriate.


Have them set a specific time frame in which they want to complete their goal. This keeps them on track and accountable. If we don't set deadlines we will most likely procrastinate, especially kids.

Write out your goal plan!

kids goal setting.jpg

It's important to write out your goals and set up a plan. Writing it out gives them an opportunity to look back and remember the steps and the motivation behind the goal. You can print your own copy of this simple goal setting sheet below!!

--->Kids Goal Setting Sheet Download Here!<---

Graduation Day!

After three years of family, home buying, child birth and mommying two kids, I have finally finished my Bachelor's degree! Perhaps the true joy has not quite been felt as this whole thing seems hazy and unreal. When you are used to a way of life for so long it's often something that sticks with you for awhile. The pseudo stress I now feel has slightly come to reality as my weekends are more for enjoyment and relaxation then writing papers.

Being an adult student has taught me so much. It's shown my persistence and resilience for the sake of my future and my family. I often hear about parents or the non-traditional student wishing to go back to school and better themselves. Usually, what immediately follows are the excuses as to why they can't make that happen.



I like my lifestyle.


Buying a house.


These are all reasons why a person convinces themselves that now is not the right time. Maybe next semester or next year... but that quickly approaches and there are new, if not the same, obstacles placed in one's way that yet again prevents then from just taking the first step.

I was able to juggle a newborn, raising two kids, working full time, multiple vacations, home buying, moving twice, and a social life all while my hubby was doing the same thing. If I can do it then you can do it.

It's a wonderful feeling having gone through all that we have and coming out on the other side achieving my goals! Did I mention I graduated Cum Laude? Don't give up on your dreams and goals not matter how far away they might seem!

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Posted on January 26, 2015 and filed under Wellness.

January Goal Setting

Now that I am FINALLY done with school, it's time to step it up and get in gear!!!

This isn't a New Year's resolution post because I think that we should be continuously thinking about self-improvement no matter how small our steps are.

I'm sure many of you have already heard of the SMART goals and this is not going to repeat that but it is important to understand the basic concepts if you want the goals you set out to attain for yourself to be successful. If you don't already know what SMART goals are, I would recommend researching it. Here is a helpful website on SMART goals.

January Goals
  1. Start using a blog planner
  2. Take a blogging e-course... any recommendations?
  3. Organize all bathroom cabinets
  4. Clear out the toy room for baby nursery
  5. Start planning 80% of Bella's party, which is the beginning of March
  6. Develop a consistent exercise routine

I know these seem pretty simple, but I'm a busy momma and I'm starting with baby steps here. As a mom, we tend to take on a lot of things and organization and having clear goals is what gets those little things accomplished.

What are your goals for January? Do you believe in New Year's resolutions?

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Posted on January 2, 2015 .