Posts tagged #girl scout trips

Scout Overnight @ Brookfield Zoo

Over labor day weekend our scout troop reaped the benefits of their goal setting skills and hard earned cookie money to enjoy a night at the Brookfield Zoo! It seemed like a long time coming as the cookie season ended back in March but we had to the buy the tickets so early because it sells out fast! The evening and morning program was very well planned and packed with a lot of activities. Despite a few hiccups, our troop had an amazing time!

Girl Scout Camp Weekend: Tips on Planning your Trip

Every year we try to do at least one camp weekend with our GS troop. This year, since it's one of the things the girls really love and look forward to, I hope to do one a season! The planning process from troop leadership can seem overwhelming. It's a big weekend and the more girls/adults you have attending the more work you will have to put into it. But, after all is said and done, it's totally worth it. If you haven't considered an overnight or camp with your troop I strongly encourage it! The excitement, sister scout bonding, life skills and lasting memories are just a few of the things you and your group will take away.