Posts tagged #girl mom

Our 2020 Cookie Commercial

It’s that time of year again!! Our Cookie season here in Greater Chicago has officially begun and the girls are fierce with their marketing plan this year. They created a Facebook page (under my supervision)! Bella was out the very first day, New Year’s Day, going door to door asking all our neighbors. We even left a little calling card behind for the people who were not home and much to our surprise we received 2 phone calls the following day asking to submit their orders!! If you don’t try, you will never know!

You can follow them on Youtube or Facebook as they journey to reach bigger goals this year!

When Siblings Fight

I'm not usually one of those Moms that gets excited for back to school. I love the time I have together with my kids and I'm trying to take it all in and what time they have left being young. This summer was a little... well... we will call it different.