Posts tagged #dollar finds

Letter Recognition and Dollar Store Finds!

I don't know if you know this but... I am in love with the Dollar Tree and it's wonderful educational resources!!! I always feel like I am getting a steal! This week I was dying to show you a game I came across while I went foraging through a pin. At the very bottom I can across Frog Face-off!!! We are just happening to work on association between the upper and lowercase, so this was perfect!!!!

In addition to this wonderfully educational game, I found some workbooks!!!
Here is one we worked on today! Number recognition and matching!
In the bottom corner of her page she wanted to draw me a heart! We are working on shapes too!
I love the teacher corner at the Dollar Tree!!!!

Happy Friday everyone!! 
I hope you all have a great weekend and maybe I will post some pictures while on vacation!! We leave tomorrow for sunny Florida and Disney!!

My Little Learner and Elmo Dry Erase Book

Yes, my little learner, who is 3 1/2, informs me this every night! I can't hid the little pride I have about this. I am glad she finds joy in learning! After realizing that this is the age to start alphabet recognition, I ventured out to my bargain bookstore and picked up a pre-k workbook for Roo.

When we started, she honestly didn't know a single letter. Sure, she could recite the alphabet but that was memorization  We started the workbook in October and now she is nearly finished! Her recognition of the letters has progressed so much! She knows almost all the alphabet, with the exception of a few here and there she mixes up. My favorite part is when she can point out letters when we are out and about. "Mommy look, its an M!!"

Little Roo is a very active girl. Her teacher caregiver tells me how she doesn't know how to sit still. Even sitting in place she has to wiggle side to side. To me, this is perfectly normal but I already see how my little learner doesn't like a very instructed lecture. Our "homework" time consists of 20 minutes here and there. Her attention can only be focused for a little period of time, which is appropriate for her age! She doesn't have an attention disorder, she is just an active 3/4 year old girl. Although, she looks pretty concentrated in this picture!

For Christmas, she got lots of tools to help with her letters!! I was also able to buy out the Dollar Tree's line of education resources!! Have you checked them out? They've got some great stuff!!! Like these Sesame Street dry erase book!! Only a buck and she uses it over and over. Can you tell how excited I was when I found these? I think the old lady next to me in the store her my cheer under my breath "SCORE!!". She probably thought I was so ridiculous... lol.

 This is my half @$$ attempt at a learning center....

I figure I have some time to create my dream homeschool room like this...
Craft room/play room
photo credit? Let me know.
Until then, my yellow bins will have to do. On the bright side, I scored them at Dollar Tree as well! I love cheap organization! I would have tried to give photo credit where it's due, but every time I searched this like in Pinterest and error or blank page popped up? I really hate when that happens.... so if you know, please inform me so I can edit that in.

And...... This is how our study session playtime usually ends....
Little Monster wants to learn too!

Birthday Budget Challenge!!!

Early Birthday planning as usual... this one is for my most recent child's FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I am so excited to have another child to plan parties for.. I have been drumming my head about the theme for some time.... and bam it hit me ELMO!! The only character to make her burst out giggling just from a balloon.

So with the exciting events from this summer.. wedding, parties...ect and the upcoming vacations to Arizona in November and Walt Disney World in January, I need to set a budget and find some alternate methods of creating a stylish party.  

The Budget: $100.00!!!!! Wow this might be tough!

Of course, turning to my trusty Pinterest, I was able to search for some budget friendly was of incorporating some decoration into the plans. I shall take these into consideration.....

Check this one out here
elmo party decorations crayons - use this for tag display! cute!
A tissue pom birthday sign found by
The creator of tissue poms Martha Stewart!
or try something like this....
Found this at I like big bows.
and lastley, my favorate
Found this cute idea at

I will have to keep brainstorming to see how this party will turn out, but a great start to the cloud!