Posts tagged #couponing

Couponing: Week 3

Week 3
So this past week was a big step in couponing. I was able to get many items for FREE!! I've also learned an overwehlming and emotional thing about this whole quest. I don't appreciate those extreme couponers that clear the entire shelf of one item. Really, do you honestly need 50 bottles of body wash? And even those of you who donate to charity, what percentage of your stock pile do you honestly donate? Someone like me, who would like to participate in all the free goodies that couponing has to offer, can't because I didn't get there the very first day of the sale, at the very opening of the store. I have expenses too, and I would like to save too. Let's not be so greedy, Okay....

I've also realized what an addiction couponing can be. It's a crazy sensation knowing that several items in my cart I won't have to pay for, or I even make money off of them! What I have learned through all this chaos is stay organized and double check the fine print. Make sure the coupon is for the product in your cart and that it has not expired. Make sure you are within all the guildlines of coupon and store policy. You wouldn't want to be surprised at the check out aisle when your bill is higher then anticipated.

Things I got for free this week...
2 womens Nivea body wash
2 Mens Nivea Body wash
2 Gilette mens body wash
2 Schick shave gels
2 air wick compack starter kits

Almost free
Pro fusion razor (a value of over $10.00!) I paid $0.89!
Posted on May 2, 2011 .

My coupon quest

Week One
After recently watching the new series Extreme Couponing on TLC (Wednesday at 9/8c), I've been obsessed with coupons. I searched the internet for information and found This website is a great directory and will match up current store sales with coupons from smart source, proctor and gamble, and red plum, amongst others. I've started my clipping binder and collected about 300 coupons in one week!

I went shopping at target the other day, with some planning saved 12 dollars! Not so bad for my first week! I've learned that research and preparation are the key, as well as a decent collection of coupons. To develop a decent collection I assume will take a couple weeks. From the series I have also gained so great knowledge!

I'm hoping there will be some great deals on cleaning products and laundry detergent next week, I've got the coupons but to really maximize some serious saving you need to match the coupons up with the in store sales!

Week Two
Continuing the savings!
Last week I started my coupon quest! I managed to save around 15 dollars. Not too much but a nice little savings.

This week was much different!!! After another 7 days of coupon collecting and building up my binder, and scavaging all the store sale ads I managed to save $125!!!! Between matching up the store sales and coupons, going to 2 different grocery stores, it was success.

·                     I got 2 free Fuze drinks! They were buy one get one free and I had a coupon for $1 off. They are regularly $1!
·                     I got two Colgate tooth paste tubes for .50 combined. Another Buy one get one and two coupons (.75 and $1.00) I also had a store coupon that allowed me to get a free dozen large carton of eggs for the tooth paste purchase!
·                     At one store there meat and poultry was 50% off, I was able to stock up on a 2.5lbs roast, 3 steaks and 3lbs of ground turkey all for $12!
·                     Fresh Spinach in a bag was 10 for $10, along with red seedless grapes.
·                     I got fresh zucchini and squash for .49 a pound!!
These are just a few of my awesome savings!

I've already collected my coupons for next week, hopefully there will be some good deals...
Posted on April 25, 2011 .