Posts tagged #children's heart foundation

Never Stop Praying

Do you ever just get that feeling in the pit of your stomach that the ball is about to drop? I do, a lot. Our family has had its share of stress. I can never just feel like things are right because at any time it can be taken away.

I get that feeling every year before Bella's cardiology visit. Each year I've been reassured that the world is functioning normal and it's just a symptom of my crazy anxiety.

This year it was not so reassuring. This visit, the annual visit is now increased to 6 months... that is never a good sign when the doctor wants to see you more often. I sat there listening to my husband's voice over the phone and the tears began to swell up. She wasn't doing so well anymore and the worst began to appear in my mind.

The loss of a child is the worst kind of loss out there and I can't begin to imagine the feeling. If this was only a fraction then it would probably kill me. Yes, I'm jumping to the extreme. Realization that this situation is getting worse, never to get better until a surgery, is frightening. The chest pains were not from a chest cold, they were a symptom of the worsening of her condition.

Sometimes you forget that you have a child with "special needs" like a heart condition. Sometimes you just think that they will grow up strong and healthy to an old age. You forget through all the normalcy and good times.

You take the normalcy for granted.

Sometimes I blame my lack of prayers in the past year and a half. There shouldn't be blame in this situation. I can't help but feel accountability. I forgot how life was precious and to ask for God's grace and healing. It's those little things we take for granted. We need to not only pray when we want or need but when we are grateful and fulfilled or when things are going just fine.

Congenital Heart Walk 2014 - Please donate!

Dear Family and Friends:
As many of you know, on March 12th, 2009, My little Bella was only a few days old and was having her first heart surgery. By the grace of God, our little one has been doing so well despite these minor set backs. We are so fortunate and blessed to have her in our lives! To recognize this important time in our lives, we are starting Team De La Rosa to benefit the Congenital Heart Walk. I would like to ask for your support by either joining the team or sending in your tax-deductible donation today!

Here are just some of the facts: Nearly two million children and adults are living with a congenital heart defect (CHD) in the United States. Each year approximately 40,000 babies are born with a CHD, making it the country� #1 birth defect. At least 10% of all congenital heart defects are first found in adulthood. Thanks to increases in survival rates, the number of adults living with a CHD rises by 5% a year and adults with CHDs are living longer, fuller lives than ever before. Your support will continue our progress.

The Congenital Heart Walk is an exciting joint effort between the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA) and the Children� Heart Foundation (CHF)! This effort will raise funds to help both organizations continue their missions to address the needs of both the newly diagnosed and long-term survivors of congenital heart defects, in a truly inspirational day of sharing, caring and fun.

As you have read, fighting congenital heart defects for our family is personal. Please support our efforts by joining the team or making a donation today!

Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support Congenital Heart Walk

Thank you all in advance and I appreciate your support over the past 5 years!