Posts tagged #baby gear

Baby Rag Quilt

I have been wanting to make one of these rag quilts now for over a year. This past week my brother and sister-in-law had their first child and I knew exactly what I wanted to make for them! It feels great to dust off the old sewing machine again.

I went to two different stores to find just the right fabric for this project. I shopped at Hobby Lobby for the cute pink and grey chevron and damask patterns. I found the pink embossed star fabric(used for the backing) and the grey and white polka dot fabric at Joann's.

Choose color coordinating fabrics that are soft and fluffy!

Baby Rag Quilt

What you will need...

1/2 yard of 5 different coordinating patterns

1 1/2 yards of backing fabric

1 1/2 yards of fleece

Fabric scissors

White thread

Not used but extremely helpful

I wish I would have used these!!!

Rotary cutter

self healing cutting mat


 Cut your squares for the quilt in the different coordinating patterns. I would recommend for a baby blanket cutting the squares a 10"x10" or a 8"x8". The baby blanket will be a 6 square by 6 square quilt, totaling 36 squares. You will need about 8 squares each in the different coordinating fabrics. There will be some squares left over but this gives you some options on the overall layout and design. I cut the coordinating fabric squares first.


Once all the coordinating fabric squares were cut out, I matched up the fleece and the backing fabric on top of each other. Then, I pinned the already cut squares on top like the picture below. You will want your quilting squares to match up exactly, which is why I choose to cut them out directly from the already cut squares. This will allow them to match up perfectly!


After all your squares are cut, you should have 36 pinned squares, 3 layers each. So, you will have your coordinating fabric on top, fleece in the middle, and your backing on the bottom. Make sure your backing is facing out ward when they are stacked. You will then cross stitch each square with a big X from corner to corner. This process takes some time.


Once you have your 36 cross stitched squares, you can start to layout the squares in an aesthetically pleasing pattern. I had a lot of grey so I wanted to make sure that the predominately grey squares were not right next to each other. I laid them out every other.


 Once you have the layout of the blanket, start with rows. Pin together each square in one row and sew the sides together with a 3/4" seam allowance. In the picture below I have finished three of the six rows.


When you have finished sewing your 6 rows, pin each row together to start assembling the quilt. Use the same 3/4" seam, having the sides fold forward with all of the layers.


 Once all the rows are sown together, stitch around the outside of the entire quilt enclosing all 4 sides. Use the 3/4" seam. 


Now it's time to clip your excess seam to make that rag quilt effect. I would recommend using a microtip fabric scissor. Make sure you don't cut your stitching! This process also took some time. Over the course of a couple days and downtime I was able to complete the clipping.


 Wash your quilt on a short delicate cycle. Dry your quilt on a regular cycle. The drying will help fray your clippings and make it look super cute!

What I like about the rag quilt is that it's forgiving of tiny mistakes that would be very evident on a regular quilt. Since I'm no quilting expert this was extremely helpful. I am planning on making a much bigger one for my girls beds! 

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Posted on January 30, 2015 and filed under Create.

2014 Baby Shower Gift Event

Amy (from This Mama’s Life) is gonna have a little girl! She teamed up with the fabulous Trista (from Andersons Angels) to host a huge Ultimate Baby Shower! They are offering a huge prize package of baby, and mama products to one lucky winner! Already they have a prize package worth over $500 and they are still signing on sponsors! 

 photo Baby-Shower-button1_zps7c95690f.jpg

List of Sponsors (so far)
Lullaby Earth Mattress –  $199 Value
Super Baby Food Book – $19 Value
Pretty Pushers – $90 Value
AuraWeavers – $20 Value
Buttons Diapers – $90 Value
Aveeno Gift Set – $ 29 Value
Glow Bugs Diapers – $12.50 Value
Fair Haven Health –  $61 Value
Bada Boum – $47 Value
Tommee Tippee – $20 Value
Project Pomona – $34 Value
Itty bitty BabyBundle – $30 Value
Wouldn’t you love to be a part of this event? I know that we would all love to have you come help promote it! Not only that, there are blogger prizes being given out too! Check out all the details here …
Event Details - 
  • Each blogger receives one free link of choice: Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram -  (** Facebook is NOT a choice for free link!**)
  • Additional links may be purchased at $3 each and include: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest. 
  • Host pages can be purchased for $5 each.
Blogger Prizes - 
  • Blogger Referral Prize – the blogger who refers the most sign-ups will win a $10 gift card. Remind everyone to put you as the person who referred them!
  • Announcement Post Prize – There will be a $10 gift card for one winner, chosen from all the bloggers who post an announcement on their blog. Everyone who posts about the event will be entered into the random drawing.
If you have decided to sign up, go fill out the FORM here. OH! and don’t forget to put me, Katie @3wittlebirds as the person who referred you! If you want the code for the button, let me know in the comments below and I’ll make sure you get it for your post. The html will be sent out Wednesday, February 26th, 2014 and your post must be up and live by noon on Monday, March 3rd, 2014. There will be ONE reminder email sent out to people running late, but if you don’t get your post up by noon on March 3rd, your links will be removed from the entries! So, go check out that form and sign up! don’t forget who referred you!

If you have questions you can contact me or you can contact Amy at
Posted on February 20, 2014 .