Posts tagged ##raisinggirls

Mighty Girls Halloween

This year was the most difficult in finding the right costumes! The girls started out with other ideas. Even searching a month in advance, finding their costumes in the right sizes, proved to be a challenge. Bella wanted to be a Rockford Peach but I couldn’t find one in a tween size and honestly didn’t have the time to sew one. Ryleigh has been asking for months to be Neytiri from Avatar but the only kids medium costume came at a $200 price tag!

When their first picks weren’t working out, we’d turn to their second choices……

When Siblings Fight

I'm not usually one of those Moms that gets excited for back to school. I love the time I have together with my kids and I'm trying to take it all in and what time they have left being young. This summer was a little... well... we will call it different.

Kids on a Plane - Tips to help you not lose your Sh*t!

Kids on a plane. Seems like it could be a title for a thriller movie kind of like Snakes on a Plane. Not sure which one is worse.

Traveling with kids, especially on a plane, can seem daunting but it doesn't have to be. Like with everything else you do with kids, proper preparation can cut down on the craziness.

American Girl: Summer Camp, Friends for Life Movie!

Have you seen it?

American Girl came out with a new movie! Summer Camp, Friends for Life! I was so excited to watch this with my girls. We've watched all of the other American Girl movies but this one in particular touched our hearts as we love CAMP! Summer Camp would make the perfect movie night for your Girl Scout troop!  It's full of summer fun, mystery, and making friends! I see an outdoor movie night on the deck with the troop in the near future!

Teach Your Kids How To Set Goals and Crush Them

Goal Setting. It's an essential skill that I wish I was taught sooner in life and a great way to give your kids the tools for success. If you are a troop leader, do you spend time teaching your scouts how to properly set goals? It's one thing to set a troop cookies sales goal and it's another to teach them how to obtain that goal.

As my Brownie scout gets older I see her more driven in working towards what she wants. She declared that her goal for gymnastics was to move up to the competitive team. I was pretty darn excited because all I wanted was for Bella to find something she was truly passionate about that she would start setting goals and working hard towards them. We talked with her coach about what specific things she needed to accomplish and tips on ways to make that happen for her. She was given work outs to do at home to strengthen her arms and core and we added an additional gymnastics class each week. 

We used the same goal setting skills when cookie season rolled around and she set her goal at twice the amount of the previous year. We discussed her results from the previous year and what her game plan was for this year. I asked her what she planned on doing differently to get greater results and she brainstormed her solution such as adding on extra cookie booths, going door to door in different locations, and asking businesses to contribute to the Gift of Caring program.

Smart Goals

I'm sure we have all heard of them by now but have ya taught your kids? Why not start now?


What exactly do they want? Create a goal statement that includes a time frame and specific measurement. EX. I will sell 500 cookie boxes by the end of March.


This can also stand for measurable. Make sure your child understands the WHY. What is the outcome if this goal is accomplished? Is it saving money for a certain item or is it an academic achievement? How will it make them feel? Knowing the WHY will keep them motivated to carry out their goal.


Is this goal attainable? Have you laid out the steps and do you have the tools and resources to reach your goal. Do you have a solid plan?


Is your goal realistic? Discuss with your kid if the goal is realistic. We don't want to set them up for failure it there goal is to travel to the moon in the next 6 months. While you want to encourage and challenge them to reach outside of their comfort zone you also don't want them to set a goal you know might not be realistic or age appropriate.


Have them set a specific time frame in which they want to complete their goal. This keeps them on track and accountable. If we don't set deadlines we will most likely procrastinate, especially kids.

Write out your goal plan!

kids goal setting.jpg

It's important to write out your goals and set up a plan. Writing it out gives them an opportunity to look back and remember the steps and the motivation behind the goal. You can print your own copy of this simple goal setting sheet below!!

--->Kids Goal Setting Sheet Download Here!<---

STEM gifts for your Mighty Girl

Posted on November 29, 2016 and filed under Raising Girls, STEM.

Daisy Girl Scout troop Necklaces

Hey Leader Friends!

So to be perfectly honest, I'm not a fan of leaders giving out end of the year gifts and I totally think it should be the other other way around but I really couldn't resist these! lol

The idea is pretty simple and affordable. It could also be used as a jewelry making badge if you have the girls make their own! 


  • roll of ball chain with clamps
  • Blank bottle caps w/jump rings attached ( I used 5/8" mini bottle caps from Hobby Lobby)
  • E6000
  • bottle cap image/Printable
  • photopaper
  • Magic dimensions


  • dangle beads (Hobby Lobby) and stampable plates

1) Print and Cut out your 16mm (diameter) printable circles

Print out your image on photo paper. Regular paper will not work and it will get wet. If you have a circle punch small enough for this that would be idea but I used scissors. Use E6000 to adhere your printable to the bottle cap. You can also use rubber cement but I find that E6000 works the best. Allow it to dry. It can take a couple hours. If you are doing it with a troop and are pressed for time you can use rubber cement but make sure you don't get it on the front facing image.

2) Apply Magic Dimensions

Word of advice, dispense a small amount of the dimensions goo on a piece of paper first to avoid air bubbles. Start in the center of the cap and in a circular motion fill the entire bottle cap. If you go a little over that is okay. When the dimensions goo dries, it sinks a bit. Use a tooth pic to get out any air bubbles... if you see below, the air bubbles will dry like air bubbles so get them out. Allow this to dry for 3 hours or overnight.

--->> Your can find the Custom Printable here <<---

3) Assemble your necklace

If you purchased the bottle caps that already have the punch with the jump rings then this will be easy. You can cut your ball and chain cord to the desirable length your girl prefers. I recommend 18 inches long. Attach your connectors and voila! 

If you want to go an extra step, you can add colored dangle beads link in the picture below. If you have a stamping set, they you can also add initial plate charms too.

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Summer reading list pick!: The Girls' Book of Flower Fairies

The Girls' Book of Flower Fairies
By Cicely Mary Barker

I have to tell you about this book by Cicely Mary Barker. I remember as a child that I had that one special book that I would get excited to open up each and every day to find something new that I didn't read before. This book is like that!

The hard cover and gild rimmed pages set you on a magical adventure from the very first touch. The beautiful illustrations on each and every page capture the imagination and spirit in a young girl. 

My girls absolutely adore this book and have loved on it so much over the past year that it's almost falling apart. Not due to lack of quality, but because they read it EVERY day excited to find something new!

You can find so many things in this book to keep the kids busy for hours. The stories are so enchanting and the recipes and crafts open up my daughter's imagination and love for these little creatures! 

My favorite part of the book is the "How to throw a Fairy Party"! It outlines everything your girl will need from invitations and decorations to songs and drink recipes! 

Arts and Crafts!

Tons of easy and fun crafty ideas that kept our kids busy all summer long.

Story Time!

Fairy Names

They call me Strawberry Featherfoot! This is a super sweet name where you pick the preferable option that leads you through to get your very own fairy name! Oh, the giggles!

I could go on and on but really you have to get this book for the sweet little darling in your life. This is a great summer reading book that your girl can sit with under a tree and just let her imagination run!

Also recommended!

*this post contains affiliate links that help support Mighty Girls Rock.

Posted on May 15, 2016 and filed under Raising Girls.