I stayed home from work today. Little one has had a fever for the past two days. It's not like it's a "day off" because you are caring for sick little children. I do have to say, they have been behaving pretty well today. The patience of my three year old, who is not sick, has impressed me.
Little Rye passed out on mommy:(
Its days like these that you have to put everything on hold and re-evaluate what you are doing. I am trying to do too much. Too much with this blog, too much with my activities and side activities on Etsy. I can't keep up and I don't want to anymore. I guess there comes a time in your life when your children are young that you say... in a couple years I can get back to that.
I thought once the busy summer was over I could resume my normal life, but now I realize I have more going on than ever. Parties, work, school (not the kids, my husband and I.. yes we both went back to school)... no time left for projects.
I had to prioritize and some of my hobbies will be put on the back burner while the must get finished first.. school most importantly.