I AM... On my way...

"Who are you to judge the life I live?
I know I'm not perfect
-and I don't live to be-
but before you start pointing fingers...
make sure you hands are clean!"
— Bob Marley

Who am I?
I've reach my breaking point in life. I'm constantly surrounded by idealistic people who continue to remind me what I'm not doing right. As if there was only one way of life, one way to live and everything else is unacceptable. Whatever happened to doing the best you can. If I haven't proven it yet I want to tell you...

I'm not a traditional, cookie cutter, susie homemaker type of woman.

I've always nodded my head to a different beat even before I became a mother and wife. I got pregnant before I was married just like many other women but because its not exemplary I endured much pain and dissapointment from the reactions of people around me. I decided I would accomodate these opinions and conform. I got married and have tried my best to put on the image of suburban upperclass. I've realized no matter how hard I try I will never make them accepting of who I am. So why suffer when I'm not satisfied with it?

My challenge of this all is figuring out who I am now that I've stripped everything else away....

I am...
I am on my way.....
Posted on August 20, 2010 .