S'more Ice Cream Sandwich

It's Summer Solstice today and what a better way to kick off the new season with this summer treat! We recently went to a BBQ with some of our friends and these little goodies were a big hit! I LOVE ice cream and I knew that day was going to be a hot one so this tasty cold treat was just what the kids (and adults) had in mind.


  • Graham Crackers
  • Hersey's Chocolate Frosting
  • Marshmallows
  • Chocolate ice cream (in a cardboard box container)

Start by laying out your graham crackers for roasting the marshmallows. Gently break each cracker in half and arrange 12 on a baking sheet. Put one marshmallow on top of each cracker.

Broil on low for 3-5 minutes. Make sure to keep a close eye on them so the crackers don't burn. You might want to do a test run first to see what time works best depending on your oven. Five minutes worked perfectly to get the nice toasty glow. Once you have pulled your roasted marshmallows from the oven, allow to cool for 10 minutes. Set aside.



Lay out 12 more crackers on a another sheet or dish. Heat up your chocolate frosting in the microwave for 30 seconds. Use a spreader or spoon your frosting on the crackers to create a think layer of chocolate goodness. Place them in the fridge for 10 minutes.

Take out your chocolate ice cream and remove the sides of the container so you have one rectangular brick of ice cream. Use a knife and slice sheets of the ice cream about 1 inch thick. If it's too frozen you can let it thaw for about 10 minutes but you want it pretty solid. Cut your sheet of ice cream in half ( should be the size of your graham cracker). You might have to slice off a little to make it fit.


Lay your chocolate frosted crackers down, put one slice of ice cream on top, and finish with your marshmallow cracker (facing down). Press down to slightly smash the marshmallow. Freeze the sandwiches until you are ready to serve. 

BOOM! These as super simple and so sweet! I hope you enjoy!

What are your favorite s'more recipes?