Hey Troop Leaders!
Here is the third session for the 3 Cheers for Animals Daisy Journey! This session was actually a combination of two different dates. One was an offsite Yoga class that the girls got to participate in and one was a regular meeting session but both can be easily combined into one session!
Yoga party!
We visited a local yoga studio that specifically had a program for Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies. There are a lot of opportunities in your community, specifically yoga studios, which offer programs you just have to search their website.
Our specific yogi instructor was certified to teach yoga to children. The girls even asked the tough questions about what the sign hanging on the wall meant and in true Girl Scout fashion she answered beautifully!
"Yoga is not a religion, it's a practice and a way of life. Yoga is all inclusive and can be practiced by anyone. All paths lead to yoga = union of the souls to God."
The girls started off learning breathing exercises and how this can be helpful in handling difficult feelings. The conversation then turned to the importance of respecting our bodies by making sure we take care of ourselves through nutrition, exercise, and healthy habits (brushing our teeth and hair, picking up after ourselves, respecting others).
Next, the girls learned the basic sun salutation and the different yoga poses!
Craft time!
Our troop loves crafts so when the instructor brought out the wooden beads the girls were so thrilled to have a take home keepsake to remember the day! This simple sweet and easy to assemble craft can be made with pipe cleaners and wooden beads from a craft store or even left over pony beads your troop has.
I AM painting
Some of you may have already seen this on Pinterest but Brave girls offers free printables for this wonderful activity!!
The purpose of this activity was to celebrate each girl's unique self and differences and how it's awesome to be different! The girls created their own self-portraits and used words to describe themselves.
To prepare for this activity I did ask each girl to think of what represents them and think of words they could use. I also provided them with some words for those that didn't bring their own. Identifying that they were all different also taught them the importance of respecting themselves and others, which affirmed their previous chat about the purple daisy petal.
The Scouts earned their Gloria (Purple) petal for respect myself and others! This also completed the Birdbath Award! The next session the girls prepare for their animal care fair and earn the Red Robin Award.
Looking for other ideas?
- Balance meal menu
- Etiquette and manners tea party
- create an anti-bully poster or lead an anti-bully campaign
- Have an older Girl Scout come in to speak and talk about self care.
If you missed the first two sessions you can find them here:
Session 1
Session 2