"He who plants a garden plants happiness." ~Chinese proverb
Hey Troop Leaders!
Last spring our troop journeyed through the Daisy Flower Garden. You can actually find the first two sessions here:
Daisy Flower Garden Journey: Session 1
Daisy Flower Garden Journey: Session 2 (Bees)
Session 3 Theme: Flower parts and Seeds
For session 3 of the Daisy Flower Garden Journey our focus was on the parts of the flower and how flowers produce seeds.
Start up Activity:
Have the girls color the Mari page and/or PG. 44 and 45 in the GB (Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden ) If you remember from previous sessions, I printed out copies of these pages and pasted them into their Garden Journal. This is a great way to record their seedlings current progress.
Have the Girl Scouts water their seedlings!
Activity: Read Chapter 3: Amazing Daisy and Her Flower Family from GB
Activity: Flower art project
Girls this age love expressing themselves through art and this is a wonderful activity that they enjoyed. I would keep this one easy and let the girls run with it. Prior to the meeting send out an email or letter asking the girls to bring supplies from home. Try not to buy anything new and encourage the girls to use what they already have as all Girls Scouts "use resources wisely." I created a template that I would love to share with you all and can be found here: Flower outline template
Possible ideas for materials
- tissue paper
- construction paper
- pipe cleaners
- yarn
- bird seed
- cupcake liners
- crayons
- glue
- beads
- sequins
- Flower template
Here is the project done a couple different ways.
1. Freestyle drawing.
My daughter used tissue paper to represent the seed. She also colored all the parts of the flower that we discussed.
2. Cupcake liners and bird seed.
I had some cupcake liners leftover from a previous party. They were already in the shape of a flower so this worked perfectly!
Activity: Paper Marigold for Mari petal "Responsible for what I say and do"
This activity is in place of not in addition to the flower art project. Make a paper marigold for Mari and talk about what it means to be responsible for what they say and do. Tell the girls by taking care of their seedlings they are being responsible. Ask the girls what other ways they are responsible at home?.... chores, making their bed, taking care of a pet, ect...
Here is a great example of another troop leader who did a marigold tissue flower.
Closing Ceremony:
Friendship Squeeze and presenting of badges! Girls earned their Watering Can Award and their Mari petal (Responsible for what I say and do). Woo hoo double whammy!
"A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust." ~ Gertrude Jekyll